E. Delivery Queue Report

E. Delivery Queue Report

To begin adding transactions to the delivery queue, click on Delivery -> E. Delivery Queue Report.


The delivery queue report allows the user to see invoices which are currently in the delivery queue with the status: InDeliveryQueue (which also means waiting to be delivered) and Out-For Delivery, both accessible with their respective tabs.

Txns in Delivery Queue

This report automatically generates itself upon entering the screen, but can always be refreshed by clicking "Refresh". If a transaction was placed in queue in error or it is simply not being delivered, it can always be selected and removed by clicking "Remove From Delivery Queue". The user may also expand/collapse transactions by clicking the "Click here to Expand/Collapse All Txns" checkbox. It is also possible to assign/change the Driver Name or Group Name by simply clicking the corresponding fields on the transactions to change, as shown below.


Txns Out For Delivery

These are transactions which are on the delivery device out for delivery and the transactions for which the transactions for which the delivery ticket was printed.


Transactions here work in a very similar way to the previous screen, with one small difference; at any point the transaction can be moved back to the delivery queue by clicking "Move To Delivery Queue".

In addition, you can perform the following actions for certain types of status:

Txn Status / Action


Resume and Change








Out for Delivery










To print the report page, click the "Print" button or press the "Enter" key when the "Print" button is highlighted.

If you'd like to export the report to a file, click the "Export Data" button or press the "Enter" key when the "Export Data" button is highlighted.

NOTE: Export to Excel only works on full versions of Microsoft Excel/Office. It does NOT work with the Office Starter 2010 and other starter/third party versions. If using any one of these, export to a Comma Separated Values (CSV) instead.

The user may also clear all the data displayed on the screen by clicking the "Clear" button or by pressing the "Enter" key when the "Clear" button is highlighted.

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