Performing the Price Update

Performing the Price Update

Performing the Price Update

The price update for drugs in BestRx is provided by a third-party database company; this file updates AWP pricing (average wholesaler price) every Saturday morning.


In BestRx, this prompt appears when logging into the software for the first time after every Saturday. You are given a choice to: perform the update now, be reminded later, or not be reminded until next week.

If the third option is selected, potentially, you can be missing a lot of pricing for drugs that were updated in the week skipped. It is important to do the price update each and every week.



The price update function can also be accessed at any time by going to: Administration -> 2. Price Update. It is also advised to go in there manually at least once and select options you'd like to have updated when performing the price update.



You can choose to update your AWP, Direct, Fed MAC and OTC Drug prices. Also, you are able to set a flat percentage off AWP for your acquisition cost. However, this will be very inaccurate, as acquisition costs vary from supplier to supplier and drug to drug. It is recommended to adjust your own acquisition pricing and select 'No' in the price update settings for both Brand and Generic acquisition cost updates.


For any reason, if any updates were skipped, there is a function of the price update screen to update multiple weeks sequentially. Go to the price update screen as described above and select the last week you are sure the price update was performed for in the drop-down box. Next press 'F12' on your keyboard, and select "Yes" in the dialogue box that pops up.


The update will take some time as it will be downloading and updating every week one after another. The software will prompt you when it has been completed.

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