E. Station Setup

E. Station Setup

To get to the Station Setup screen, click on Administration -> E. Station Setup.



Receipt Printer : Choose which printer you'd like receipts to print on.

Code to Cut Receipt : Enter the printer receipt cut code.

Code to Open Drawer : Enter the printer drawer open code.

Lines to Skip after Printing Receipt : Enter the amount of lines to skip after printing any receipt.

Regular Receipts to Print : Indicate the amount of regular receipts to print.

Credit / Debit Card Receipts to Print : Indicate the amount of Credit/Debit Card receipts to print.

Receipts to Print for Checks : Indicate the amount of Check receipts to print.

Report Printer Name : Choose which printer you'd like reports to print on.

Report Printer Paper Source : Indicate the paper source for the selected printer.



Using Display Pole : Indicate whether or not you're using a display pole to display some basic information to the customer.

Display Pole Port : Indicate the COM port on which the display pole is installed.

USB Pole Type : If using a USB display pole, indicate the pole type.

Pole Text : Enter in text you'd like the display pole to show the customer.

The options on the right side of the screen, aside from "Display Clock : Yes/No" should never be adjusted.



The screen header changes titles to reflect your payments processor. These options should not be modified; please call BCS for help setting up or adjusting these settings.

Credit Cards : Indicate whether or not to use this processor for Credit Card transactions.

Enable Credit Card Txn Log : Indicate if you'd like a log of the transactions to be kept.

Debit Cards : Indicate whether or not to use this processor for Debit Card transactions. This typically requires a Pin Pad or an encrypted Signature Pad.

Checks : This function is currently disabled.

Food Stamps : Indicate whether or not you'd like to accept Food Stamp cards. This is symbolic and has to be processed through a separate terminal unless the payment processor is Heartland through Portico Gateway. A debit pin pad or an encrypted signature MUST be present.

EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) Cards : Indicate whether or not you'd like to accept EBT Cards. This is symbolic and has to be processed through a separate terminal unless the payment processor is Heartland through Portico Gateway. A debit pin pad or an encrypted signature MUST be present.

Payment Processor : Indicate the payments processor who processes your payments. The fields that display after choosing the processor should never be adjusted without consulting BCS first.



As pin pad devices are fragile and can mistakenly have the encryption wiped, please contact BCS for help installing your Debit Pin Pad.

Pin Pad Device : Indicate the model of the pin pad device you have

Pin Pad Baud : Indicate the baud rate for the device (Default value 1200)

Pin Pad Data Bits : Indicate the data bit rate for the device (Default value 7)

Pin Pad Port : Indicate on which COM port is the device installed.

Pin Pad Timeout : Indicate after how many seconds the device should time out.

Allow Cashback on Debits : Indicate if you'd like to allow cash back debit transactions.

Max Cashback on Debits : Indicate the maximum amount for cash back transactions.



Use Signature Pad for RXs : Indicate whether or not you're using the signature pad for prescription items.

Credit/Debit Cards : Indicate if you're using the signature pad to capture Credit/Debit Cards.

Ephedrine Purchases : Indicate whether or not the signature pad will be used to store signatures from Ephedrine purchases.

Signature Tablet Type : Indicate the model of your signature pad.

Show EasyCaps on Sig Screen : Indicate whether or not the program should display the EasyCaptions on the signature pad when signing for medication.

Show # of RXs on Sig Screen : Indicate if you'd like the program to display the total number of prescriptions being signed for on the signature pad.

Show Total on Sig Screen : Indicate if you'd like the program to display the total amount in dollars being signed for on the signature pad.

Days Allowed for RX Pickup : Enter how many days prescriptions should remain in the pickup file ready to be signed for by a patient. Default is '30'

Sig Pad Driver : Indicate which driver to use to communicate to the signature pad. This is a locked feature and should only ever be changed by BCS staff.

Mx870 Com Port : Indicate what COM port the signature pad is installed on. This should only be changed by BCS staff.

Upload Images : This function is used to upload a Logo file or Screensaver files to the pad. Please contact our staff for exact image specifications and help loading an image.

Show Patient Counseling Screen : Indicate if you'd like the signature to display a counseling screen when prescriptions are being signed for.

Patient Counseling Authorization : Indicate if you'd like the signature pad/BestPOS program to ask for pharmacist authorization when asked for patient counseling. This will require the pharmacist to essentially approve Patient Counseling.

Authorization Type : This refers to the previous option and is currently locked to default Username/Password.



Wait for : Minutes to Lock Admin Screen : Indicate minutes after which to automatically lock the Admin screen. Default '0' to disable.

Wait for : Minutes to Lock Cash Register Screen : Indicate minutes after which to automatically lock the Register screen. Default '0' to disable.

Screen Resize Mode: Choose how you'd like the BestRx window to display on your monitor.

  • Normal Full Screen (recommended): This setting stretches the window by 4:3 aspect ratio. It will leave a grey area on the right side of the screen when using a widescreen monitor.

  • Stretched Full Screen: This setting stretches and adjusts the program to fill the entirety of your monitor.

  • Do Not Resize: This setting keeps the program in native size. On modern monitors the program will appear as a small box in the upper left, with grey areas on the bottom and right of the screen.

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