C. Store Setup

C. Store Setup

To get to the Store Setup screen, click on Administration -> C. Store Setup.



Tax Rates : These fields exist in order to give the store five options in case different tax rates have to be used for different items.

Description : Enter the description for any of the five tax rate fields for ease of use.

Store Type : Choose the store type.

Open Drawer on New Batch : Indicate if you'd like the drawer to automatically open when creating a new batch.

Allow Negative Prices : Indicate if you'd like negative prices to be allowed. This is sometimes used to subtract items like coupons from a transaction.

Allow Item Returns : Indicate if you'd like to allow for returns of items.

Accept Checks : Indicate if you accept checks. Checks are a symbolic transaction in the POS and still have to be physically deposited at your bank.

Accept Credit / Debit / FSA Cards : Indicate if you accept Credit / Debit / FSA Cards at your store.

Allow Charge Accounts : Indicate if you'd like to allow charge (house) accounts.

Accept Food Stamps : Indicate if you allow Food Stamp card transactions. This is symbolic and has to be processed through a separate terminal unless the payment processor is Heartland through Portico Gateway. A debit pin pad or an encrypted signature MUST be present.

Accept EBT Cards : Indicate if you allow EBT card transactions. This is symbolic and has to be processed through a separate terminal unless the payment processor is Heartland through Portico Gateway. A debit pin pad or an encrypted signature MUST be present.

Accept OTC Cards : Indicate if you allow OTC card transactions. This is symbolic and has to be processed through a separate terminal. Please call us for additional information.

Maximum Items per Price Check : Indicate how many items maximum you'll allow per price check.

Fuel Tax Rate :

Allow Hold Transactions : Indicate if you'd like to allow transactions to be placed on hold.

Alow Delivery Transactions : Indicate if you'd like to allow for delivery transactions.

Allow Layaway : Indicate if you'd like to allow items to be placed on layaway.

Auto-settle credit card batches :

Display Backup Warning : The backup warning displays automatically unless it is turned off with permission by our staff. Please call if you have an alternative backup solution to our backup software and would like to disable this warning.

Create Loyalty Files : Indicate if you'd like to allow for loyalty files to be created.

Print FSA Summary on Receipt : Indicate if you'd like to display FSA summaries on receipts of FSA transactions.

Meth Check Reporting : Indicate if you'd like to participate in the Meth Check Reporting program. This function should not be disabled. For more information refer to the NPLEX / Meth Check article.



Default for Allow Price Override : Indicate if you'd like to allow price overrides on items.

Default for Allowing Discounts on an Item : Indicate if you'd like to allow discounts on items.

Default for Accepting Food Stamps for an Item : Indicate if you'd like the ability to use Food Stamp cards for items.

Default for Accepting Coupons for an Item : Indicate if you'd like coupons to be allowed to be accepted.



RXs to Display when Scanned : Indicate what RXs you'd like to display when scanned.

  • Only Scanned RX will only display the scanned prescription.

  • All RXs for Patient will display all prescriptions in the selected day window for the patient whose prescription was scanned.

  • All RXs for Family will display all prescriptions in the selected day window for the entire family based on the patient for whom prescription was scanned.

Round Item Regular price to : Indicate if you'd like to round regular prices, and by what base.

Can Same Person Override Price : Indicate if you'd like the program to allow the person currently logged in to override prices without authorization. If "NO" is selected, a second person must enter an ID/password to allow a price override regardless of access rights.

Update Item Price when changed during txn : Indicate if you'd like the item price in the item file to be updated automatically if the price is adjusted during the transaction. This only allows the price to be modified if the price is changed to a higher amount.

Calculate Tax on : Indicate if you'd like to calculate tax based on Sale Price or Regular Price.

Show Tax Column : Indicate if you'd like to display the tax column in the sales grid.

Allow No Tax for Transactions : Indicate if you'd like to allow no tax transactions.

Remove scanned Items : Indicate if you'd like the ability to delete scanned items from the sales transaction. Choose "All" for all items or choose "Last scanned" to only allow removal of the last scanned item. If "Last Scanned" is selected and you require to remove more items, you will have to void the transaction.

Print Receipt after Sales : Indicate if you'd like a sales receipt to print after a sale.

Print Receipt after Returns : Indicate if you'd like a receipt to print after returns.

Print Receipt for Ephedrine Items : Indicate if you'd like a receipt to print for Ephedrine items.

Print Receipt if Amount is 0.00 : Indicate if you'd like a receipt to print on transactions for a zero dollar amount.

Open Drawer if Amount is 0.00 : Indicate if you'd like the drawer to open on transactions for a zero dollar amount.

Open Drawer for Non-Cash Txns : Indicate if you'd like the drawer to open for non cash transactions.

Print Customer Name on Receipts : Indicate if you'd like the customer's name to print on receipts.

Print A/R Balance on Receipt (only if above option is set to yes) : Indicate if you'd like the charge account balance to print on receipt.

Prompt for Pickup Info For : Indicate if you'd like specific medication class to require pickup information for the person picking up the prescription.

Dispense Status Update : Choose how you'd like the program to handle the RX Dispense Status on an item sold.

  • Update to Picked Up : This option will always mark the prescription as picked up, regardless of how it was dispensed.

  • Update by checking Dispense method : This option will check the Dispense method for the prescription in question.

Verify Age for Restricted Items : Indicate if you'd like an ID check prompt to appear for restricted items.

Minimum Age for Tobacco Purchases : Enter the minimum age for Tobacco purchases.

Minimum Age for Alcohol Purchases : Enter the minimum age for Alcohol purchases.

Minimum Age for Ephedrine Purchases : Enter the minimum age for Ephedrine purchases.


NOTE: The Loyalty feature must be unlocked and configured with assistance from the BestRx Pharmacy Software Staff. Please contact us if you're interesting in using this feature.


  1. In the BestPOS Admin program go to Administration -> C. Store Setup.

  2. Select Loyalty on the left and click the Edit Locked Info… button.

  3. Enter the daily password provided by BestRx staff to add/edit loyalty settings.

  4. Enter the details

Loyalty Type (BestPOS Loyalty, None) : Select BestPOS Loyalty (currently this is the only loyalty plan available)

Track Rxs Using (None, Points, Tokens) :

  • None: This will not track Rxs towards rewards at all.

  • Points : This is the default way of tracking rewards.

  • Tokens: Some pharmacies want to consider tracking RXs using different reward type. Token rewards consider each individual item, no matter the cost, as one token.

Allow instant use of Reward Coupons (Default-Yes, No) :

  • When “Yes” is selected the program will allow the customers to use the coupons generated in the current purchase instantly.

  • When “No” is selected the program will only apply coupons towards a future purchase.

Allow Rewards to be used towards Rxs: (Default-Yes, No) :

  • When “Yes” is selected the customer can use the reward coupons on all eligible item including Rxs.

  • When “No” is selected the reward coupons can only be applied to OTC items; they cannot be applied to Rxs.

Print Loyalty Balance on Receipt (Default-Yes, No)

Print unused Reward Coupons on Receipt (Default-Yes, No)

Points to reward for each Dollar Spent:

Enter the value of how many points a customer should receive when they spend each dollar.

Points needed to generate new Rewards Coupon:

Enter the number of points required to generate a new rewards coupon.

Dollar value of New Point Rewards Coupon:

This is the value of a new rewards coupon that is generated when a customer accumulates the required number of points.

Allow Point Rewards to Expire (Default-No, Yes)

If option is set to “Yes”, enter the number of months before the rewards coupon will expire.

Tokens needed to generate new Rewards Coupon:

Enter the number of tokens required to generate a new rewards coupon.

Dollar value of new Token Rewards Coupon:

This is the value of a new rewards coupon that is generated when a customer accumulates the required number of tokens.

Allow Token Rewards to Expire (Default-No, Yes)

If option is set to “Yes”, enter the number of months before a rewards coupon will expire.


By default, Apply Loyalty is set to “Yes” for each department, but if the pharmacy would like to exclude any department or category from counting towards loyalty points, this option can be set to “No”.

Go to File -> Department

Go to File -> Category



Note: Loyalty points/tokens can only be accumulated if the customer is selected for the transaction. Be sure to inform the pharmacy about this when explaining to them how this works.

Click the Customer (F7) button, search and select a customer. Scan the items into the register OR scan the Rx if the customer is picking up a prescription.


On the above screen we can see that the customer spent $15.00 on loyalty eligible items (tax is not included) so they will get 15 points for this transaction; the loyalty balance is 15.

In the following example the customer's loyalty balance is 15 points and they spend $35 so they will receive 35 more points. The loyalty point total is 50 and the option Allow instant use of Reward Coupons is set to Yes in the Store setup file. So that $5.00 coupon is instantly applied towards the purchase.

Note : There are situations when "Allow instant use of Reward Coupons" can be set to "Yes" in the Store Setup file but the coupon will not apply.

  • Loyalty Coupon cannot be applied when the total transaction amount is less than the coupon value.

    • For example the customer loyalty balance is 46 points and they spend $4 so they will get 4 more points and the total loyalty points is $50. But they are spending only $4 on this transaction and the coupon value is $5, so It cannot be applied to this transaction. Instead, the coupon will be stored into the BestPOS system and be applied to a future purchase.

  • Loyalty Coupon cannot be applied instantly for a delivery transaction. It will be stored in the system and can be used towards a future purchase.

The next time the customer makes a purchase, the program will count the previous points plus the current transaction points to determine if customer is eligible for any coupon.

When a coupon is generated, their loyalty balance will be reset so the customer can start accumulating points again towards another rewards coupon. For example, if it takes 50 points to earn a coupon and the current purchase takes the customer's loyalty balance up to 55 points, once the coupon is generated, the customer's loyalty balance will be reset to 5 points.


Few settings are changed in the Store setup file

  1. Track Rxs using : Tokens

  2. Allow instant use of Reward Coupon : No

  3. Token needed to generate new Rewards Coupon : 1 Prescription = 1 Token

    1. Customers receive one token per prescription; enter the number of tokens required to generate a new rewards coupon.

  4. Dollar value of new Tokens Reward Coupon : This is the value of a new rewards coupon that is generated when a customer accumulates the required number of points.

  5. Allow token Rewards to expire : No, Yes (Default No)

    1. If this option is set to “Yes”, enter the number of months before rewards coupon will expire.

Now we will scan both an Rx and an OTC item to see how the behavior is changed when using Tokens.

In this transaction the customer has one Rx item from which he will receive 1 token plus his current token balance already was 1 so the total token balance is currently 2. At this point 8 more Tokens are required to receive a $10 coupon as per the above selected settings.

The point balance gets calculated in similar manner.

As per the settings customer was not allowed to use the Loyalty coupons on the instant transaction. The balance will get stored into BestPOS for future purchase which is also printed on the receipt.

Returns : When a customer returns an item(s), BestPOS will issue a refund for the entire amount back, including the money saved with the coupon(s). This results in the customer receiving more money on the refund itself, but the Loyalty balance is then subtracted the equivalent amount in points, thus preventing the customer from being able to abuse coupons as they will have to bring their loyalty balance back up to first cover the return/refund before starting to accrue positive points again.

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