A. Sales Promotion

A. Sales Promotion

To get to the Sales Promotion screen, click on Promotion -> A. Sales Promotion.


The Promotion feature allows the store to use customized promotions for the items sold. To Edit or Display a promotion simply click the corresponding line in the results box. The color coding explains the state of the promotion. To add a brand new promotion simply click the "Add Promotion" radio button.


Promotion Name : Enter in the name for your promotion.

Start Date : Enter the start date for the promotion.

End Date : Enter when the promotion will end.

Record # : This field displays the record number of the promotion and is not editable.

Item SKU or Desc : Enter and search for an item on which you'd like to base the promotion on. This is not necessarily the item itself that will be on promotion and can be used simply for reference when entering the rest of promotion details.

Acq Cost : This field displays your acquisition cost for the selected item above and is not editable.

Reg Price : This field displays the retail price for the selected item above and is not editable.


The promotion can have only one type of promotion. It can be based on a sale price, discount amount, discount percentage, or one of the B/G types listed below.

Sale Price : Enter a flat sale price for the item.

Discount : Enter the discount item you'd like the item to be discounted by. NOTE: This is the amount to be discounted and NOT the final discount amount for the item. 

Disc (%) : Enter a discount percentage for the item. Ex. 50% would be entered as 50.00

Buy / Get Free : Enter an item amount for a B/G Free type. Ex. Buy 1 Get 1 Free.

Buy / Get other for : Enter an item amount and discount price for a B/G$ type. Ex. Buy 2 at 5.00 Get 1 for $1.00.

Buy / Get Discount on Other : Enter an item amount and percentage discount for a B/G Disc type. Ex. Buy 1 Get a 50% (50.00) discount on other.

The promotion type can either be applied to the individual item as selected above by clicking "Save" (alternatively "Clear" to wipe the settings) but can also be used to apply the promotion to multiple items using the Item Selection as described Below. If utilizing the search function for multiple items, DO NOT click "Save", simply go through the steps as outlined below.


Department : Choose the department to narrow down an item search.

Category : Choose the category to narrow down an item search.

Group : Choose the group to narrow down an item search.

Price Higher Than : Enter a price selection if you wish to narrow the search to only items above a certain dollar amount.

Price Lower Than : Enter a price selection if you wish to narrow the search to only items below a certain dollar amount.

SKU Begins With : Enter a search string for specific items.

 When the search has completed, simply check as many items as you wish to apply a promotion to, and click "Add" to add the items selected or "Add All" to add all items without having to select individual items. You can also remove items from a promotion by selecting the items in the window to the left, and through the same manner "Remove" or "Remove All".


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