To access the Vendor File screen, click on Inventory -> A. Vendor/Supplier File.
Vendor / Supplier File
This screen allows for adding / modifying of wholesaler records inside of the BestRx system. This helps in categorizing and/or identifying which wholesaler the medication came from, but also enables EDI functionality for receiving prices and inventory files from the wholesalers electronically.
Adding a New Vendor
To add a new vendor, make sure the Add New Vendor option is selected. Enter in the name of the vendor. All other information is optional. Remember to click the "Save" button or press the "Enter" key when the "Save" button is highlighted to save the vendor information. Click the "Save & Exit" button or press the "Enter" key when the "Save & Exit" button is highlighted to save the information and go back to the previous screen.
Editing an Existing Vendor
To edit an existing vendor, make sure the Add New Vendor option is NOT selected. Enter in the whole vendor name to bring up the vendor’s information or enter in part of the vendors name and press the "Enter" key(or click the search button) to bring up a list of vendors. To choose the vendor, click anywhere on the row of the vendor or type in the line number of the vendor in the field below the list and press the "Enter" key. When a vendor is chosen, edit the appropriate information then click the "Save" button or press the "Enter" key when the "Save" button is highlighted to save the vendor information. Click the "Save & Exit" button or press the "Enter" key when the "Save & Exit" button is highlighted to save the information and go back to the previous screen.
Deleting a Vendor
To delete an existing vendor, first make sure you're editing a vendor. Bring up the vendor in the same manner as when editing an existing vendor. Then click the "Delete" button or press the "Enter" key when the "Delete" button is highlighted. When the system asks “Are you sure you want to delete this record?”, click the "Yes" button to delete the vendor.
The user may also clear all the data displayed on the screen by clicking the "Cancel" button or by pressing the "Enter" key when the "Cancel" button is highlighted.