To access the Nursing Home Form Manager, click on Nursing Home -> 2. Nursing Home Form Manager.
Nursing Home Form Manager
The Nursing Home Form manager is used to configure and adjust the MAR, Physician Order and other forms. For the purposes of the BestRx system, there are 2 types of forms, “MAR Forms” and “Other Forms”. MAR Forms are Medication Administration Record forms. Most pharmacies only print MAR’s so they get their own category. Some nursing homes require other types of forms as well such as Physician Order forms, etc. This is rare, so all other types of forms are lumped into one category. By default this screen displays all entered forms when this screen is first opened. The user can edit any form by clicking it from the list, or checking the "Add New Form" radio box to add a new form.
Adding a New Form
When adding a new facility make sure the "Add New Form" option is selected towards the top left of the screen.
Form Name: Enter the name for your form. This name is for internal use and will be used to identify the form.
Form Type: Choose the correct type for this form; MAR form or Other.
Form Code: Select the correct code corresponding with the form you will be using. If the code is not in the list, contact us to have the form programmed for you. The physical forms will usually have a form code in small print somewhere along the edges of the form. If the code on the form does not show up in the drop-down box, the pharmacy will have to send us a few forms in the mail so that we can create a form for it. This form cannot be faxed, it has to be mailed. When the forms are faxed, their sizes get slightly distorted during the transmission. The data needs to be printed precisely in order to fit into the various boxes and fields on the form. So in order for us to program things precisely, we need a few of the forms to be sent to us.
Left Margin: Select the number of units to offset the left margin by. 100 units equals one inch.
Top Margin: Select the number of units to offset the top margin by. 100 units equals one inch.
Default Printer: Select the default printer to use for printing Nursing Home forms.
Paper Source: Select the default paper source with the selected printer.
Dot-Matrix Printer Type: Indicate dot-matrix type. This setting is for dot-matrix printers only.
When you have entered all desired information, click the ‘Save’ button to save the information or click the ‘Save & Exit’ button to save the information and go to the previous screen. Click "Cancel" to clear the info. If at any point you'd like to discard and get back to the previous screen simply hit "Esc" key on your keyboard or click the "Exit" button.