To view Control Prescriptions archived in the system, click on E-Rx -> 5. View Archived Control RXs.
Archived Control Electronic Prescriptions Screen
This report is used to search for control prescriptions not filled through the ERx mailbox, but that are required to be saved. Unlike regular messages, the program is required to store the control prescriptions according to EPCS laws primarily in the state of New York. You can choose to display All Messages, New Messages or Pending Messages. The mailbox can be sorted by Date Sent, Message Type, Prescriber Name (Sender), Patient Name or Drug Description in a Descending or Ascending order. You can choose to display 20, 50, 100 or 250 messages per page, and move around these pages with the "<< Prev Page" and "Next Page >>" buttons.
If you need to search for a specific message, click the "Search" button in the bottom left section of the screen. The search box will pop-up and allow you to narrow the search by Patient Name or DOB, Prescriber Name, and/or Drug Name. When the appropriate fields have been filled out, click "Search". If at any point you'd like to close the pop-up and get back to the mailbox screen simply hit "Esc" on your keyboard or click the "Cancel" button.
The function can be refreshed to display new messages at any time by clicking the "Refresh" button.
When you're done working with messages in the mailbox and you'd like to get back to the previous screen, hit "Esc" on your keyboard or click the "Exit" button.