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To view a Charge Account balance, click on Acct Receivables -> 4. Display Account Balance.

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Charge Account Display/Print Screen

The Charge Account Display/Print screen allows the user to display and print individual family’s and patient’s account summary. The account summary is not properly formatted as a statement and this screen should be used to obtain only this summary and should not be used as a means to print statements. Statement printing is hosted under the Print Statements feature. This screen does however allow for balances to be rolled over if need be. The act of rolling balances over takes all the transactions from the current month, and sums them up under one concise "Balance Forwarded from Last Month" line item; this way the statements are clean and neat, and only display line item charges for the current balance period. Without rolling over, the statements would display every transaction, would be very messy, and most importantly would take a lot of pages to print each month.

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The Display Account Balance screen enables users to view and print a summary of an individual family's or patient’s account. However, this summary is not formatted as an official statement and should only be used for informational purposes. For printing formal statements, users should utilize the /wiki/spaces/~813395333/pages/2792816677feature.

This screen also provides an option to roll over balances if needed. Rolling over consolidates all transactions from the current month into a single “Balance Forwarded from Last Month” line item. This helps keep statements concise, displaying only the current balance period’s charges. Without rolling over, statements would include every transaction, resulting in cluttered, lengthy statements that require excessive pages to print each month.

To view a Charge Account balance, click on Acct Receivables ➡️ 4. Display Account Balance.

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To display a patient’s account summary, enter in the whole full name of a the patient to bring up the family’s information retrieve family information, or enter in part of the patient’s name and press the "Enter" key to bring up view a list of patients. To choose the select a patient, click anywhere on the patient's row of the patient or type in the line number of the patient in the field below the list and press the "Enter." key. Once a patient is chosenOnce selected, the billing info information will come up automatically be displayed.

The user can To narrow the report by transaction date by selecting either , users can choose to display all transactions for the account , or choosing select the "Txn's Thru" option and choosing the pick a desired date. The report will narrow itself down automatically, with no need to re-generate. The information right below this filter will display a summary of update automatically without needing to be regenerated. The summary section below the filter provides details on purchases/credits, the balance for the current period, the total balance, and whether or not the account is past due and for how many , including the number of overdue days.

To print the summary, click the "Print" button or press the "Enter" key when the "Print" button is highlighted.

If you'd like to To export the report to a file, click the "Export Data" button or press the "Enter" key when the "Export Data" button is highlighted.

NOTE: Export to Excel only works on full versions of Microsoft Excel/Office. It does NOT work with the Office Starter 2010 and other starter/third party versions. If using any one of these, export to a Comma Separated Values (CSV) instead.

To roll over a the balance on the displayed account displayed , click the "Roll Over Balance" button or press the "Enter" key when the "Roll Over Balance" button it is highlighted. The user may Users can also clear all the displayed data displayed on the screen by clicking the "Clear" button or by pressing the "Enter" key when the "Clear" button is highlighted.

Editing a Transaction

Transactions can be edited if they are NOT linked to a prescription, POS transaction, or a rolled-over transaction. If these conditions are met, a pencil icon will appear on the transaction line. Clicking the icon allows you to edit the transaction.

In the Edit Charge Account Transaction screen, you can modify the transaction date, amount, code, and remark, or delete the transaction if needed.

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Access Rights

The access right associated with this function is set to “No Access” by default for all users. You will need to grant permission for each user that you would like to be able to edit transactions in the Access Rights Assignment page for that user.

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