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File Menu (BestPOS)

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The file menu contains links to all the File Databases. These menus allow you to add or edit records to your database. At any point you'd like to do so, simply select this menu and the appropriate file you need to add to or edit.



To get to the Department File screen, click on File -> A. Department.

The Department file stores information about departments in your store. An example of a department/category/location/group/item hierarchy could be as follows; Pharmacy Department -> First Aid Category -> Top Shelf Location -> Bandage Group -> Bandaid 30ct Variety Item.

 The hierarchy feature is custom and entirely up to the store on how to use it; however there are some functions to rely on it like the Nesting of Shortcut Buttons. While not absolutely required, the hierarchy feature helps organize your store and allow for a more convenient management of your database in relation to your physical store.

 To search for a department simply enter the search string in the "Department Name" box. To edit a current department click the corresponding line in the search result box. NOTE: Take care when editing any of the hierarchies as they might already be linked to items and can have detrimental effects. It is always easier and less complicated to add a new hierarchy than change an existing one. To add a brand new department click the "Add Department" radio button.


Department Name : Enter the name for the department you're adding.

Generates Revenue : Indicate if this department will generate revenue.

Record # : This field displays the record number for the department and is not editable.


To get to the Category File screen, click on File -> B. Category.


The Category file stores information about item categories in your store. An example of a department/category/location/group/item hierarchy could be as follows; Pharmacy Department -> First Aid Category -> Top Shelf Location -> Bandage Group -> Bandaid 30ct Variety Item.

 The hierarchy feature is custom and entirely up to the store on how to use it; however there are some functions to rely on it like the Nesting of Shortcut Buttons. While not absolutely required, the hierarchy feature helps organize your store and allow for a more convenient management of your database in relation to your physical store.

 To search for a category simply enter the search string in the "Category Name" box. You can narrow the results by choosing a specific department in the "Department" drop down box. To edit a current category click the corresponding line in the search result box. NOTE: Take care when editing any of the hierarchies as they might already be linked to items and can have detrimental effects. It is always easier and less complicated to add a new hierarchy than change an existing one. To add a brand new category click the "Add Category" radio button.


Department : Choose the department to which this category will belong.

Category Name : Enter the category name.

Record # : This field displays the record number for the department and is not editable.


To get to the Location File screen, click on File -> C. Location.


The Location file stores information about physical locations in your store. An example of a department/category/location/group/item hierarchy could be as follows; Pharmacy Department -> First Aid Category -> Top Shelf Location -> Bandage Group -> Bandaid 30ct Variety Item.

 The hierarchy feature is custom and entirely up to the store on how to use it; however there are some functions to rely on it like the Nesting of Shortcut Buttons. While not absolutely required, the hierarchy feature helps organize your store and allow for a more convenient management of your database in relation to your physical store.

 To search for a location simply enter the search string in the "Location Name" box. To edit a current location click the corresponding line in the search result box. NOTE: Take care when editing any of the hierarchies as they might already be linked to items and can have detrimental effects. It is always easier and less complicated to add a new hierarchy than change an existing one. To add a brand new location click the "Add Location" radio button.


Location Name : Enter the name for the location you're adding.

Record # : This field displays the record number for the department and is not editable.


To get to the Group File screen, click on File -> D. Group.


The Group file stores information about item groups in your store. An example of a department/category/location/group/item hierarchy could be as follows; Pharmacy Department -> First Aid Category -> Top Shelf Location -> Bandage Group -> Bandaid 30ct Variety Item.

 The hierarchy feature is custom and entirely up to the store on how to use it; however there are some functions to rely on it like the Nesting of Shortcut Buttons. While not absolutely required, the hierarchy feature helps organize your store and allow for a more convenient management of your database in relation to your physical store.

 To search for a group simply enter the search string in the "Group Name" box. To edit a current group click the corresponding line in the search result box. NOTE: Take care when editing any of the hierarchies as they might already be linked to items and can have detrimental effects. It is always easier and less complicated to add a new hierarchy than change an existing one. To add a brand new group click the "Add Group" radio button.


Group Name : Enter the name for the group you're adding.

Record # : This field displays the record number for the department and is not editable.

Item Tax Code

To get to the Item Tax Code File screen, click on File -> E. Item Tax Code.


This function is used if an item requires a specific tax code for County/City. If you wish to search for a tax code simply type the code or description in the "Tax Code/Description" field. To edit a current code, click the appropriate line from the results. To add a new tax code, click the "Add Tax Code" radio button.


Tax Code : Enter a code for the tax. This is an internal code for your use.

Description : Enter the description for the Tax Code.

County Tax : Enter the County tax amount, then select the "$" for monetary or "%" percentage.

City Tax : Enter the City tax amount, then select the "$" for monetary or "%" percentage.


To get to the Item File screen, click on File -> F. Item.


The Item File stores item information for your store inventory. The main screen will allow you to search for specific items simply by starting to type a search string in the "Item" field, or alternatively by picking a Supplier in the drop-down box. You can narrow the report down by Department, Category or Group by selecting the appropriate information in the respective drop-down boxes. To edit any item from the search results simply click the corresponding line. To add a new item, click the "Add Item" radio button.


While the only required fields when entering a new item are Long and Short Description, it is HIGHLY recommended to be as thorough when adding new items as possible.

SKU : Enter the SKU for the item. This is typically the barcode.

Active : Indicate if the item is active and available to be used in sales transactions.

Long Description : Enter a long description for the item.

Short Description : Enter a short description for the item.

Manufacturer Name : Enter the manufacturer's name for the item.

Buy as Case : Indicate if buying this item as case.

Sell as Case : Indicate if you'd like the ability to sell this item as case.

Unit Acq Cost : Enter the item's acquisition cost.

Unit in Case : Enter how many units in a case if purchasing as case.

Cost/Case : This field automatically calculates cost per case based on information previously entered.

PSE Grams per Box : Indicate Ephedrine/Pseudoephedrine content per box. This only applies to PSE items.

Regular Price : Enter the regular price for the item. This is typically the retail price.

Discount : Enter an amount here if you'd like this item to be discounted. NOTE: This is the amount to be discounted and NOT the final discount amount for the item.

Gross Profit (%) : This field will display a gross percentage of a profit on this item.

Tax Rate : Choose a tax rate for the item. To define Tax Rates, refer to the Store Setup section.

County/City Tax : Choose the County/City tax if applicable. You can define Tax Codes in the Item Tax Code file.

Discountable Item : Indicate if you'd like this item to be discountable on the main sales screen with the discount buttons/functions.

Deposit Amount : This feature is currently in development stage.

Use Scanned Price : Indicate if you'd like to always use the price as defined in the Regular Price segment when the item is scanned. If you'd like to enter the price manually every time, choose "NO". This is particularly useful for items that share a general name, but do not have a defined price per individual item.

Can Override Price : Indicate if you'd like to allow the price to be over written on the main sales screen for this item.

Block EDI Price Updates : Indicate if you'd like to block any EDI price updates from suppliers for this item.

Accept Food Stamps : Indicate if you'd like this item to be flagged as Food Stamp eligible and therefore offer the option to use a Food Stamps Card as a tender option.

Accept Coupons : Indicate if you'd like this item to be flagged as Coupon eligible and therefore offer the option to use a Coupon as a tender option.

FSA Type : Enter the FSA eligibility for the item. Choices are Not FSA Eligible, Healthcare Item or Prescription Item.

Identification Check : Indicate if you require an identification check for this item. Choices are Tobacco, Alcohol, Ephedrine/Pseudoephedrine, General (No Minimum Age) or Dextromethorphan.

Order Base : Choose the price basis for the item. You can choose between the Best Price (BestPOS) or the Primary Vendor.

Department : Choose the department for this item. You can edit departments through the Department File.

Category : Choose the category for this item. You can edit categories through the Category File.

Group : Choose the group for this item. You can edit groups through the Group File.

Location : Choose the location for this item. You can edit locations through the Location File.

Promotion : Indicate if the item is on a promotion. This is a very quick and rudimentary way to add a promotion to specific items. For a full fledged explanation of the promotion feature, refer to the Promotion Articles.

Start Date : Indicate the start date for the promotion.

End Date : Indicate when this promotion will end.

Promo Price : Indicate the promotional price for the time period specified above.

 Track Inventory : Indicate whether or not you'd like to track the item's inventory.

Units on Hand : Indicate how many units on hand you currently possess.

Minimum Units on Hand : Indicate the minimum quantity on hand you wish to have for this item

Qty sold since last order : This field displays quantity sold since you last ordered this item and is not editable.


The Supplier section displays supplier info linked to the item. This information might automatically populate if using the EDI feature and a wholesaler has sent information about the item.

SKU # : This field will display the SKU for the item selected, and is used as reference for an easier cross check of items. It is not editable and displays the same SKU as the main Item screen.

Supplier : Choose the supplier for the item. Suppliers can be further defined in the Supplier File.

Vendor Item # : Enter the supplier vendor item. This is the suppliers internal number for this item.

Default Order Qty : Enter the default order quantity you order from the supplier.

Acq Cost : Enter the acquisition cost for the item. This is the price you pay your wholesaler for this item.

Primary Supplier : Indicate if this is the primary supplier for this item.

Last Cost Paid : This field displays the most recent amount paid for the item. It is locked and for display only. This field will only populate when the item is ordered/received through a wholesaler EDI account.

Last Order Date : This field displays the last time an order was placed for the item. It is locked and for display only. This field will only populate when the item is ordered/received through a wholesaler EDI account.

Last Received Date : This field displays the last time an order was received for the item. It is locked and for display only. This field will only populate when the item is ordered/received through a wholesaler EDI account.

Sales Representative

To get to the Sales Representative File screen, click on File -> G. Sales Representative.


This feature is still in development stage.

This function stores sales representative names which can currently be linked to transactions. To search for a sales rep simply type their name in the "Sales Representative" field. If you wish to edit the record simply click the corresponding line. To add a new sales representative, simply click "Add Representative".


The required fields when entering a new representative record are First Name and Last Name. All other fields are optional.


To get to the Customer File screen, click on File -> H. Customer.


The customer file keeps record of all your customers' information. While the database is independent and fully capable if only using the BestPOS program, it does fully integrate into the BestRx database and utilizes those records in searches. When linked to the BestRx database, any new record you enter will insert itself into the BestRx customer database for an easier, more convenient way to keep record of your customers across both systems.

 To search for a customer simply type their name in the "Customer" field. You can narrow the results to only charge (house) account customers by checking the "Show Only Acc/Rec Customers" box. If you wish to edit the record simply click the corresponding line. To add a new customer, simply click "Add Customer".


The required fields for entering a new customers are Customer Name, Family Name and Date of Birth. Any other information is optional, and some is purely informative. If you'd like to set up a Loyalty program at your store, see these instructions; Loyalty can be utilized with a compatible card manufacturer, please contact us for up to date information.


The Billing Info section is used primarily for Charge Accounts and storing billing address information, as well as storing a credit card number for a card-less entry. The credit card number and expiration become truncated after saving the customer record according to Federal FTC FACTA law, are unable to be shown again and can only be used during transactions when no card is present.


To get to the Supplier File screen, click on File -> I. Supplier.


The supplier file keeps an informative record about your suppliers. The supplier record and name is used in various other functions across the POS like linking a supplier to items, importing item files from suppliers, linking an EDI account and others. To add a supplier, simply click "Add Supplier". To edit a record, click the line associated with the supplier whose record you'd like to edit.


The only required field for the supplier file is the supplier name. All other fields are optional.

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