- Created by Anthony Campana , last modified on Nov 18, 2021
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To access the Pharmacy Setup File screen, click on File -> I. Pharmacy Setup File.
Pharmacy Info
This main pharmacy info screen is used to enter/display information about your pharmacy and your important registration information.

NCPDP #: Enter in your seven (7) digit NCPDP number.
NPI#: Enter in your eleven (11) digit National Provider Identifier number.
Medicaid Provider #: Enter in your medicaid provider number.
DEA #: Enter in your Drug Enforcement Agency number.
State License / DPS #: Enter in your State License / Department of Public Safety number.
For pharmacies in California, the pharmacy’s state license number must be preceded by the letters PHY. For example, if the pharmacy’s state license number is 12345, it needs to be entered into the system as PHY12345.
NY Medicaid Pin #: Enter in your NY Medicaid issued Pin number. (NY State only)
NY Magnetic Serial #: Enter in your NY issued magnetic serial number. (NY State only)
NY Magnetic Supplier / ETIN #: Enter in your NY magnetic supplier / NY ETIN number. (NY State only)
Next NY Medicaid Invoice #:
Federal Tax I.D. Number #: Enter in your Federal Tax ID number.
Last Price Update: This field indicates the date of the last price update. This field cannot be changed.
Pharmacy Service Type: Choose your pharmacy service type from the drop-down box.
Remark: Enter in any remarks for the pharmacy.
Click the Printing button from the Pharmacy Setup Info screen to modify default printing options.

Label Number: This field displays the label design number in use by default. Unless specified, this should not be changed as it will modify what label design prints for every prescription.
Printer Margins: Select how the software should obtain printer margins from the printer. Getting Actual Printer Margins is more advised than defaults as it pulls information directly from the printer the pharmacy uses.
Label Printer Type: This option allows for changing of the printer type, but is locked by default due to potentially adverse effects. Please contact BestRx if you desire to change this option. Currently we support Laser or Thermal, Dot-Matrix Graphic, and Dot-Matrix Direct.Dot-Matrix Graphic Options:Dot-Matrix Label Height: Indicate the height of the label; 100 units equal one (1) inch.Dot-Matrix Label Width: Indicate the width of the label; 100 units equal one (1) inch.Dot-Matrix Direct Options:Dot-Matrix Label Printer Type: Indicate the type for your dot matrix printer. Typical codes are 8 for Epson type printers and 12 for IBM type printers.Dot-Matrix Label Left Margin: Indicate a margin shift when printing on a dot matrix printer. 100 units equals one (1) inch.
Remember Label Count for Rx: Indicate if you'd like prescriptions to remember the adjusted label count on future edits, allowing for a quick reprint of multiple labels.
Print / Prompt for Drug Education Message: Indicate the option for prompting / printing of drug education messages with the drop-down box. You can Print for All, Print for New, Prompt for All, Prompt for New, or Don't Print at all during RX Processing.
Print / Prompt for Medication Guide: Indicate the option for prompting / printing of medication guides with the drop-down box. You can Print for All, Print for New, Prompt for All, Prompt for New, or Don't Print at all during RX Processing.
Print / Prompt for Drug Ed & Med Guides during: Indicate when you'd like the software to print / prompt for Drug Education & Medication Guides; you can be prompted during Label Print, Verify before Fill, or Verify before Dispense.
Print Amount Due on Drug Education Message: Indicate if you'd like the total amount due to print on the education message.
Drug Education Message Languages on Label: Select if you'd like additional languages to be available as an option when printing Label style Drug Education messages.
Print Generic Drug Education Message: Indicate if you'd like the software to print a generic drug education message if one doesn't exist in the system for the medication.
Compound Information with Label: Indicate if you'd like to print the compound information leaflet with labels. You can have it Print Automatically, Prompt, or Don't Print.
Compound Information with Refill Request: Indicate if you'd like to print the compound information leaflet with refill requests. You can have it Print Automatically, Prompt, or Don't Print.
Print CarePoints Message: Indicate whether or not you'd like to have the CarePoints advertising messages print with your labels.
Print CarePoints MedGuide (only available if above is selected as Yes): Indicate how to print the CarePoints MedGuides, if at all. They can be printed When Available, Only for New RX When Available, or Never.
Today's Message: Enter in the message you'd like to appear on the login screen / Label (if selected to have it shown on the label).
Print Control Substance Fact Sheet (NY state only): Indicate if you'd like to print the control substance fact sheet automatically for All or just New Controlled prescriptions, by prompt for All or just New Controlled prescriptions, or Don't Print.
Print on both sides of page (related to above fact sheet only): Indicate if you'd like the fact sheet to follow duplex rules of printing on both sides of the paper if your printer is capable of duplex printing.
Click the Search button from the Pharmacy Setup Info screen to modify default search options.

Auto-Search for records after the user stops typing: Indicate the delay after you have stopped typing for the program to automatically search for records. The longer the delay, the longer it will take for records to appear. Longer delay should be used on older computers, but has mostly been resolved with introduction of new hardware years ago.
Auto-Search for Patient after typing: Indicate after how many characters the automatic search should occur. Higher number should be used for older computers, but the search will have to be more narrow. Just like the above option, this has been mostly resolved with new hardware.
Search Patient Quick Code and Record #: Indicate if you'd like the program to search through patient quick codes and record numbers when searching for records in the patient field.
Show Patient City: Indicate if you'd like the program to display patient's city in search results.
Search Sig Record #: Indicate if you'd like the program to search through sig code record numbers when searching for records in the sig search box.
Highlight Last Filled Drug: Indicate if you'd like the program to highlight the last filled drug in the mini profiles in orange.
Refill Request / Telephoned Rx
Click the Refill Request / Telephoned Rx button from the Pharmacy Setup Info screen to modify default refill request and telephone Rx options.

Print size for Single Refill Requests: Indicate what you'd like the print size to be for single refill requests. BestRx can print Quarter Page or Full Page.
Fax / Print Multiple Refill Requests on: Indicate how you'd like the system to print multiple refill requests. These can be printed on Same Pages or Separate Pages.
Refill Request Print Unit of Measure: Indicate if you'd like the software to print the unit of measure on refill request printouts.
Print Multiple Telephone Rxs on: Indicate how you'd like the system to print multiple telephone Rxs. These can be printed on Same Pages or Separate Pages.
Print date/time on Telephone Rxs: Indicate if you'd like the date printed on the telephoned Rx form.
Print Barcode on Telephone Rxs: Indicate if you'd like a barcode printed on the telephoned Rx form.
Print Telephone Rxs on Rx Processing: Indicate if you'd like the software to Print Telephone RX forms Automatically, Prompt to Print, or Don't Print when working from the RX Processing screen.
Click the Workflow button from the Pharmacy Setup Info screen to modify default workflow options.

General Settings
Prompt for Workflow Entry: This function will allow the pharmacy to force a workflow process currently only being enforced by law in the state of New Jersey. This process requires identification of the person performing each step of a prescription process (intake, process or entry, fulfillment and dispensing).
Default Intake User from Last Rx: Indicate if you'd like to use the same user from last prescription for Intake when processing a new prescription.
Default Fulfillment User from Last Rx: Indicate if you'd like to use the same user from last prescription for Fulfillment when processing a new prescription.
Focus on Date/Time fields in Workflow panel: Indicate if you'd like the program to focus on the date/time fields in the workflow panel when processing a new prescription.
Button Focus on RxProc Screen: Indicate if you'd like the default focus button to be Save & Print Label, or Save Only on the Rx Processing screen.
Button Focus on Claim Resp Screen: Indicate if you'd like the default focus button to be Print Label or the OK Button on the Claim Response Screen.
Consider Cash Rx "Adjudicated" After: Select how you'd like the software to treat adjudication of Cash prescriptions. You can choose to consider them adjudicated when the Rx is Entered into System, or when a Label is Printed
Indicate Rx is filled After: Select if you'd like the program to indicate the Rx is ready to be filled after it is Manually Indicated, Label is Printed or it is Verified Before Fill. This option is locked to "Verify Before Fill" if VbF is required prior to Verify before Dispense by indicating the option found below.
Indicate Rx is ready to Dispense After: Select if you'd like the program to indicate the Rx is ready after it is Approved By Insurance, or Verified Before Fill.
Indicate Rx was Dispensed After: Select if you'd like the program to indicate the Rx was dispensed after it has been Signed for OR Rung up in POS or Verified Before Dispense.
Action for Signatures when Rx is Returned in BestPOS: Indicate how you'd like the software to behave after the RX is returned through BestPOS. Choose between Prompt to Delete and Do not Delete.
Verify before Fill
Allow for Unbilled / Hold Rxs: This option allows the software to allow or disallow verifications for Unbilled / Hold prescriptions.
Allow for non-matched NDCs: This option allows the software to stop the user from verifying a prescription before fill if the NDC being scanned is not matching the NDC entered when prescription entry took place by choosing No. If you want to allow non matched NDCs, choose Yes.
Require Password: Indicate if you'd like the program to require a password before allowing to verify the prescriptions before Fill.
Require prior to "Verify before Dispense": Indicate if you'd like the program to require Fill Verification before Dispense Verification can happen. If Yes is selected, the Indicate Rx is filled After option above will be automatically changed and locked to Verify Before Fill.
Require prior to Dispensing Rx: Indicate if you'd like the program to require Fill Verification before the RX can be dispensed.
Verify before Dispense
Allow for Unbilled / Hold Rxs: This option allows the software to allow or disallow verifications for Unbilled / Hold prescriptions.
Require Password: Indicate if you'd like the program to require a password before allowing to verify the prescriptions before Dispense.
Require prior to Dispensing Rx: Indicate if you'd like the program to require Dispense Verification before the RX can be dispensed.
Click the Med-Sync button from the Pharmacy Setup Info screen to modify default Med-Sync options. This feature of BestRx is included in the Standard/Premium tiers.

Auto-prompt for Med-Sync: Indicate how you'd like the software to prompt for Med-Sync. You can choose to receive prompts for All Medications, Maintenance Meds Only, or Don't Prompt.
Refill Queue for Med-Sync RXs: Select the default queue to utilize for Med-Sync. You can keep the default, or add a new queue by simply clicking the "Add New Queue" button.
Indicate Ready for Refill: Indicate how early prescriptions should be ready for refill. The default and BestRx recommendation is 3 days in order to avoid overlaps in prescriptions and amounts as much as possible.
Remove Patient from Med-Sync: Indicate how many months to wait for no activity before removing the patient from Med-Sync.
Auto Refill
Click the Auto Refill button from the Pharmacy Setup Info screen to modify default Auto Refill options.

Auto Refill Settings
Default Value for Auto Refill: This controls what value to use as default for newly created patients in the system. The options currently are No, Maintenance Meds Only, or All Meds. After selecting the flag, all patients can be updated to the chosen flag by clicking the "Update All" button.
Show C2 Drugs: Indicate if you'd like prescriptions for Control Class 2 medication to appear on the queue, even though they cannot be auto refilled by law.
Exclude Non Picked Up Rxs: Indicate if you'd like the Auto Refill system to exclude prescriptions that haven't been picked up.
Exclude if newer Rx for same drug exists: Indicate what action you'd like the Auto Refill system to take if there is a newer prescription for the same medication. The choices are "Yes, but only if new Rx is NOT on Hold", "Yes, regardless of status of new RX" and "No".
Exclude Rxs with no refills remaining: Indicate if you'd like to exclude prescriptions with zero refills remaining.
Exclude Rxs if refills are expired: Indicate if you'd like to exclude expired refills.
Night Tech / Auto Process Settings
Auto-Process Rxs Overnight: Yes/No Enables/Disables the Night Tech feature
Auto Process Rxs in Refill Queue: Indicate if you'd like the software to auto process prescriptions in the refill queue
Auto Refill Cash Rxs: Choose if you'd like the software to automatically refill cash prescriptions
Print Label if Adjudicated: Choose whether or not the label should be printed if the claim is adjudicated
Charge Copay to A/R (if applicable): Choose if you'd like copays to be automatically billed to charge accounts for patients that use them
Settings for Nursing Home Patients: This setting will allow Nursing Home patients to either inherit settings from the above, or have individually specified settings as shown below.

Pharmacy IDs to use for Billing: This section allows the pharmacy to utilize either the same credentials as for regular prescriptions, or change these values to other desired credentials. The NPI, NCPDP, DEA, and State License can all be adjusted.
Auto Processing Settings: This section will allow the pharmacy to modify how auto process works for Nursing Home prescriptions. If "Same Settings as Regular Patients" is selected, the options below it remain hidden; these options directly mirror the above options in functionality.
Time Ranges (used for Dispill): This section will allow the pharmacy to change time ranges for Dispill straight from this screen. This overview will help pharmacy see what ranges are set, and modify them as needed to better fit their auto process settings.
Time Translations (used for all other Dose Package Types): This section will do the same as above but for all other dose package products.
User IDs for Night Tech Rx’s
This option allows the pharmacy to control which user ID should be used to automatically process prescriptions, and on which day. The software also offers an option Don't Process if you'd like nothing to transmit on a specific day of the week.
Account Receivables
Click the Account Receivables button from the Pharmacy Setup Info screen to modify default Account Receivables options.

Allow Cash for Charge Account Patients: This toggle is used if you would/would not like the customer to have the option to pay cash when dealing with customers with opened charge accounts.
Default for Charge Copay: This option toggles the Charge Account Copay function when getting a response for a paid claim with a copay.
The blank value will ask for entry from the user on the claim response screen. You'll be prompted to enter a "Y" or a "N".
The NO value will default the field to an "N" and will not bill the copay on the customer's charge account when hitting Enter on the response screen.
The YES value will default the field to a "Y" and will bill the copay on the customer's charge account when hitting Enter on the response screen.
The Don't Allow value will disable the field and will not allow copay to be billed to the customer's charge account on the response screen.
A/R Finance Charge (%): Indicate if you'd like a finance charge to be calculated and added to your statement balances.
Print Balance for Current Period on A/R Statements: If you'd like the current balance to be printed on the charge account statement, make sure this option is set to "Yes".
Action when Credit Limit will be Exceeded: Select if you'd like the software to Prompt User to Allow a patient's A/R credit to go over its limit, or Never Allow.
Click the 340B button from the Pharmacy Setup Info screen to modify default 340B options.

Report Export Type: Indicate the export type for your 340B report. Aside from a Normal Export, BestRx supports export types for NYCRx, Hudson Headwaters, Maxor, Urban Health, Hamdard Center, WinMed Medical Services, and ProviderPay.
Price Code for Cash 340B Brand Rxs: Enter the price code to use for Brand 340B cash prescriptions.
Price Code for Cash 340B Generic Rxs: Enter the price code to use for Generic 340B cash prescriptions.
Price Code for Cash 340B OTC Rxs: Enter the price code to use for OTC 340B cash prescriptions.
Dispensing Fee for Third Party 340B Brand Rxs: Enter in third party fee for Brand 340B prescriptions.
Dispensing Fee for Third Party 340B Generic Rxs: Enter in third party fee for Generic 340B prescriptions.
Dispensing Fee for Third Party 340B OTC Rxs: Enter in third party fee for OTC 340B prescriptions.
Limit 340B Drugs to 340B Patients/Prescribers: Indicate whether or not to limit 340B drugs to 340B patients/prescribers.
Show 340B Column during Drug Search: Indicate if you'd like the drug search to display the 340B column.
Only auto-flag Rx as 340B if Drug is 340B: When this option is set to "Yes", the program will only auto flag prescriptions as 340B if the selected drug is 340B as well.
Auto-flag Rx as 340B if Prescriber is 340B: When this option is set to "Yes", the program will only auto flag prescriptions as 340B if the selected prescriber is 340B as well. This option is disabled if the previous is enabled.
PDMP Reporting
Click the Controlled Rx Reporting button from the Pharmacy Setup Info screen to modify default Controlled Rx Reporting options.

The function of this screen is to allow the pharmacy to gather and report to agencies other than the state the pharmacy is currently located in. This is most useful for pharmacies that process mail orders as they might receive prescriptions from all over the country, or perhaps states close to borders with other states that see frequent non-resident traffic.
To Add a state, simply select it from the list on the left and click the "Add -->" button. In the same fashion to remove a state, select the state from the list on the right and click the "<-- Remove" button.
Misc (page1)
Click the Misc (page 1) button from the Pharmacy Setup Info screen to modify default Misc (page 1) options.

Next Rx Number: Use this option to skip Rx numbers. You will require a password provided by BestRx Pharmacy Software to do so. This comes particularly helpful if the pharmacy wants to or needs to skip numbers to a higher value for whatever reason. (Default 0)
Default DAW: Enter in the default Dispense as Written value to use on prescriptions if you dispense prescriptions that require a DAW often. (Default 0)
Display Default Written Date: Indicate if you'd like to display and enter the current date as written date. If this setting is set to "No", the software will require you to input a written date each time.
Default Rx Origin Code: Indicate the default Rx Origin Code you'd like to use. This is particularly useful if your pharmacy takes a specific prescription origin as primary and would like that to be default. This can be Written, Telephone, Electronic, or Fax.
Stop cursor at Rx Origin Code: Indicate if you'd like the software to stop and not skip the Rx Origin code during prescription entry.
Calculate 'Days Supply' from Sig Codes by: Indicate how you'd like the system to calculate the days supply from the sig/directions code file.
Action for Foreign Language Sigs: Indicate how you'd like the system to display foreign language directions during entry. We can display Foreign Only, English before Foreign, or Foreign before English.
Calculate U&C Charges By: Indicate how you'd like to calculate Usual & Customary charges. Cash price is currently the preferred default of insurance companies when submitting claims.
Percentage Markup for U&C Charges: Enter the percentage at which to markup U&C charges if selected above. Percentage markup is no longer favorable as insurance companies began requiring cash price in this place instead of percentage markups.
Warn on Rx Processing screen if QOH is less than Qty Filled: Indicate if you'd like the system to warn you on the processing screen if your quantity on hand is less than the quantity being filled, just in case you can't cover the inventory.
Warn on Rx Processing screen if Cost is less than Acq Cost: Indicate if you'd like the system to warn you on the Rx Processing screen if the cost of the medication is less than your acquisition cost; the system cross references your acquisition cost only and does not send this information to the insurance companies.
Warn on Response screen if paid less than Acq Cost: Indicate if you'd like the system to warn you on the response screen if the insurance paid less than your acquisition cost; the system cross references your acquisition cost only and does not send this information to the insurance companies.
Don't charge Medicaid Copay if copay is less: Choose if you'd like the system not to charge Medicaid Copay below this specified price.
Inactivate old Rxs when creating new number: Indicate if you'd like to automatically deactivate old prescriptions when the same script under a new number is created. This setting often helps refilling of duplicate prescriptions.
Indicate Refills Due: Choose the way you'd like the system to indicate refills due. You can indicate to have this flag appear a number of days early, or at a specified prescription completion percentage.
Indicate Control Refills Due: Choose the way you'd like the system to indicate Control refills due. You can indicate to have this flag appear a number of days early, or at a specified prescription completion percentage.
Same Price for Brand CASH Refills: Indicate if you'd like the system to choose same price from previous prescription fill for brand cash refills.
Same Price for Generic Cash Refills: Indicate if you'd like the system to choose same price from previous prescription fill for generic cash refills.
DUR Refill Action: Indicate whether or not you'd like to apply DUR codes from previous prescription fill if any were entered.
Print Email Address on Delivery Report: Indicate if you'd like the email address of the patient(s) to be printed on the delivery report.
Prompt for Inactivate Rx Remark: Indicate if you'd like the software to prompt you for a remark when making a prescription inactive on the main screen. This is particularly useful in remembering why a prescription was deactivated when doing so manually.
Allow C3-C5 past 5 Refills (if partial exists): Indicate if you'd like the system to prevent the user from filling more than 5 refills for C3-C5 drugs, even if there are partial fills involved; this setting depends on jurisdiction of pharmacy, and all Texas pharmacies have this setting set to "No" by default.
Allow C2 Partial Refills: Indicate if you'd like the system to allow partial Class 2 refills. For a full description of the law and what is allowed, please see the full write-up on the DEA website.
SIG Directions Required: Indicate if prescription directions are required.
Allergies - Always ask for Password : Indicate if you'd like the software to always ask for password to confirm patient allergies.
Show Drug Interactions: Indicate if you'd like the system so automatically check drug interactions. You can adjust the setting according to your liking. You can pick from All, Moderate and Major, Major only, or None (not recommended).
Drug Int - Always ask for a password: Indicate if you'd like the software to always ask for a password on drug interactions, and at which level. You can pick from All, Moderate and Major, Major only, or None.
Show Therapeutic Duplications: Indicate if you'd like the system to automatically check for therapeutic duplications and display them.
Stop cursor at Tech Initials: Indicate if you'd like the system to stop and not skip the Tech Initial field during prescription entry. This does not require initials to be entered and is controlled by the setting below.
Tech Initials Required: Indicate if the tech initials are required during prescription edit/entry.
Allow Inactive Drugs for Refills: Indicate if you'd like to allow drugs that have been deactivated to be used for refills.
Always stop cursor on Qty Filled: Indicate if you'd like the software to always stop on the Quantity Filled Field prompting the user to enter quantities each time
Update Drug Lot Info From Rx: Indicate if you'd like to update drug file's (F4) lot information from prescriptions automatically.
Allow Qty Fill greater than Qty Ordered: Indicate if you'd like the software to allow for larger quantities filled than what's been ordered by prescriber. This is currently only allowed in some states; if your pharmacy's state allows you to do this, please notify BestRx; we will then look deeper at the regulations in your state and determine if we can enable this feature.
Misc (page2)
Click the Misc (page 2) button from the Pharmacy Setup Info screen to modify default Misc (page 2) options.

Claim Transmission Method: Indicate how you'd like the system to transmit Claims, specifically which switching partner to utilize and how.
Internet Transmission Wait Time: Enter in the timeout length for internet transmissions. This is how long the system will count down when attempting to send transmissions.
Show Refill Request prompt for: Indicate if you'd like to be shown the refill request prompt based on medication control class. Some customers may choose not to refill some control prescriptions, even when allowed by state regulations.
Pharmacy Dispense Method: Indicate all dispense methods that your pharmacy utilizes and would like made available throughout the system's options and functions.
Default Patient Residence: Indicate the default patient residence. After making the selection you can click the "Update All" button to update all records if most patients reside at the default location.
Default Patient Dispense Method: Indicate if you'd like the system to default to a specific dispense method: Pickup, Delivery or Mail. After making the selection you can click the "Update All" button to update all records if the majority of patients are of a specific dispense type.
Default Patient Refill Remind Indicator: Indicate if you'd like the system to default the refill reminder to Yes or No. After making the selection you can click the "Update All" button to update all patient records if you intend to flag every patient as a Refill Reminder requesting patient.
Default Patient Label Language: Indicate which default language to use when printing Labels. After making the selection you can click the "Update All" button to update all patient records, if your area caters to a particular demographic and you'd like to update every patient at once.
Display Backup Warning: Indicate if you'd like the system to display a backup warning during login. The warning displays after two consecutive days the manual backup has not been performed. To utilize a cloud based solution for a low monthly cost, contact us for more information.
Retrieve Allergies/Interactions on Edit/Refill: Indicate if you'd like the system to retrieve allergies/drug interactions on prescription edits/refills. This is particularly helpful determining if there's no new interactions.
Show Auto Brand/Generic Links: Indicate how/if you'd like the Brand/Generic link to appear when searching for items in the system.
Prompt for RX Serial #: Indicate if you'd like the system to prompt for the prescription serial number.
Action when transmitting w/o Prescriber NPI: Indicate what action the system should perform when transmitting a prescription without a prescriber's NPI.
COB Billing Prompt Type: Indicate if you'd like the prompt to appear for All Plans or Only Linked Plan. For a full description of these options please see the Split Billing article.
Show COB Billing Prompt When: Indicate when you'd like to display the COB Billing Prompt; User Will Prompt, Auto-Prompt when Copay > 0.00 or Auto-Prompt Always. For a full description of these options please see the Split Billing article.
Dispense Rejected Rx: Indicate if you'd like the software to let you dispense rejected prescriptions.
Compounds Expire After: Indicate when compounds should expire. You can set this by a number of days or months.
Update Days Supply after Qty Change: Indicate if you'd like the day supply to automatically update after quantity change.
Prompt for Opportunities: Indicate if you'd like the software to prompt you for upcoming MTM opportunities.
Prompt for Dosage Copy: Indicate if you'd like the software to prompt you to copy dosage info from a previous NH/MultiDose prescription if one is found.
Default Price Code: Enter in the default price code to use for prescriptions.
Default Insurance Tax Percentage: Enter in the default insurance percentage to use for insurance plans; currently the only states that must/can choose to tax prescriptions are IL/LA respectively.
Default 'Print on MAR' value: Indicate what you'd like the system to default to for the 'Print on MAR' value. If your pharmacy does significant volume of Nursing Home prescriptions, value of "Yes" is highly recommended as it automatically applies the setting to every new prescription..
Allow Rx Number Change of HOLD Rxs: Indicate if you'd like the system to allow for Rx number change of HOLD prescriptions when taking off hold status.
Prompt for Signer Info on Delivery Pad: Indicate if you'd like to prompt the person signing for prescriptions to enter their info on the delivery pad when taking delivery.
Update prices only if new price is higher: Indicate if you'd like the system to only update item prices if the new price from source is higher.
Default City in Patient File: If flagged "Yes", this option defaults the Patient City to the pharmacy's city when adding a new record.
Default City in Prescriber File: If flagged "Yes", this option defaults the Prescriber City to the pharmacy's city when adding a new record.
Display Total in Mini Profile: Indicate if you'd like the program to display totals in the mini profile if the option is enabled for the user.
Show Acq Cost in Response: Indicate if you'd like to see the acquisition cost on the response screen.
Regardless of what is selected, BestRx will NEVER send the acquisition cost to insurance companies.
Using Signature Pad: Indicate if the pharmacy is using a signature pad to sign for prescriptions. This option enables proper functionality and should not be disabled if using a signature pad unless directed by BestRx.
Send RPH Name while Xfer Rx: Indicate if the pharmacist’s name should appear on the transfer form instead of the initials.
This option must be set to Yes for the state of Wisconsin.
In states like NY and FL, where 1 fill is allowed for each transfer, RPh initials will be required if the Rx was transferred previously for any other transfers on that prescription, regardless of setting. Prescriptions that have not been transferred yet will follow the setting.
Click the Documents button from the Pharmacy Setup Info screen to scan or import any documentation pertinent to the pharmacy. This currently supports any document that can be scanned with your BestRx compatible scanner; scanning documents into the Pharmacy Setup File is free of charge.

To add a document, click the "Add Document" button; make sure the document you're adding is correctly placed in the scanner.

Name the document you're adding with any remarks; alternatively choose if you'd like to scan both sides, multiple pages, and/or in color. The scan will begin promptly afterward and the image will display in the right section of the page when it's finished.
You can also import eligible documents from your computer into the BestRx system by clicking "Import Saved Documents".

The supported file formats are listed as shown above; PDF, GIF, BMP, JPG, JPEG, PNG, TIF, TIFF, and TXT are all supported. Select your documents by pressing the "Add Documents" button for each document you wish to import. When done, simply click "Finish Importing" and to get back to the previous menu click "Back to Scan".
You can view, Print or Delete any of the added documents simply by clicking the desired document from the list and selecting the appropriate function in the button segment below the preview pane. The documents feature is duplex compatible just like the regular scanning features for prescription, and additional pages can be scrolled through using the "<" and ">" buttons. You can also zoom in and out on the document using the corresponding (+) and (-) icons.
The Options button will display options for your scanner device.
To go back to the Patient Info screen, click the "Back to Main" button or simply press F8 on your keyboard.
Click the Immunization button from the Pharmacy Setup Info screen to modify default Immunization options.

The function of this screen is to allow the pharmacy to set up default options for immunization billing. These will apply to all future prescriptions after the change takes place.
Default Administrative Cost: Indicate a default administrative cost to bill when submitting immunization claims.
Default Incentive Fee: Indicate a default incentive fee to bill when submitting immunization claims.
Default DUR Reason for Service Code: Indicate if/which code you'd like to utilize as default for the Reason for Service DUR Code.
Default DUR Professional Service Code: Indicate if/which code you'd like to utilize as default for the Professional Service DUR Code.
Default DUR Result of Service Code: Indicate if/which code you'd like to utilize as default for the Result of Service DUR Code.
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