To access the Patient Group File screen, click on File -> 5. Patient Group File. |
To add a new patient group, click on "Add New Patient Group".
When adding a new Patient Group, make sure the Add New Patient Group option is selected towards the top of the screen. Enter in the Patient Group Name and then search for Patient you'd like to add to the group using the "Search for Patient to link to this Group" field. When the results display in the grid, simply select the patients you'd like to add and click the "Add Selected Patients to Group" button. You can search for more patients to add to this group; otherwise to finish click the "Save" button to save the information or click the "Save & Exit" button to save the information and go to the Rx Processing screen or the previous layer.
To edit an existing Patient group, click on File -> 4. Patient Group File.
Click on the Patient Group you wish to edit in the list and make sure the Edit Patient Group option is selected towards the top of the screen as shown above. You can add more patients to the Patient Group by searching for the plan using the "Search for Patient to link to this Group" field as outlined above. To remove a Patient from the group, select it from the list and click the "Remove Selected" button. When finished editing the plan, click the "Save" button to save the information or click the "Save & Exit" button to save the information and go to the Rx Processing screen.
To delete a Patient group, make sure the Edit Patient Group option towards the top of the screen is selected. Click the "Delete" button and click "Yes" when the system asks “Are you sure you want to delete this record?”
The user may also clear all the data displayed on the screen by clicking the "Cancel" button or by pressing the "Enter" key when the "Cancel" button is highlighted.