Similar to our B. Surescripts Prescriber Directory page, this directory will allow you to search and add LTC facilities (nursing homes) to your system from a directory.
LTC facilities can be searched by any combination of Name, NPI, City, State, and Zip Code. Enter in your search criteria and click Search to get a list of matching facilities.
To add a nursing home, check the box next to their name and click Add to Your Nursing Home File. If you try to add a nursing home that you already have in your database, you will get a prompt asking if you want to add the new one as its own record, update the existing record with the new information, or cancel the import.
When a facility is added through this screen, the system will automatically select the EMAR type as PrescribersConnection and add the needed EMAR ID in LTC Facility File. You can view the EMAR details by hovering over the icon next to the Facility EMAR ID field located in.