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This screen allows the pharmacy to receive messaged from facilities that are integrated with a Prescriber’s Connection or SureScripts LTC compatible E-MAR system. From here, messages can be viewed, sorted, printed, acknowledged, or used to fill Rxs.

To access Received E-MAR Messages, click on LTC ➡️ 14. View Received E-MAR Messages

Screenshot 2024-09-17 103339.png


In the LTC Facility File, select the LTC facility you want to receive messages from and make sure that the EMAR Type is Prescriber’s Connection or SureScriptsLTC, depending on what the facility uses.

Screenshot 2024-09-17 102114.png

Message Screen

From this screen, you can view and interact with received messages.

  • Display: Select whether you want to view Pending, New, or All messages, and for what time frame.

  • Sort By: Sort messages by Date Sent, Message Type, Facility Name, Patient Name, or Drug Description in ascending or descending order.

  • Msgs per Page: Select how many messages should be pulled up for each page.

  • Nursing Home: Filter to find messages from specific facilities.

  • Search (F11): Search by patient name, DOB, prescriber name, or drug name.

  • Fill Rxs: Pulls up the Rx Processing Screen with the needed info for applicable message types.

  • Change Status: Let’s you change the status of a message.

  • Print: Prints out the message on plain paper.

  • Refresh: Refreshes the screen to show any new messages.

  • Exit: Exits the screen.

Message Types

Pharmacies can receive two message types: Census and Resupply messages.

Census Messages

A census message is sent to the pharmacy when they would like to inform the pharmacy about the patient. Census messages can fall under a couple of subtypes, including Admit, Discharge, and Change messages. Most census messages are for informational purposes only.

The message itself will have a (Click to match Patient…) prompt next to the patient’s name in order to match the message to the patient record in the pharmacy system. When this prompt is clicked, the Patient File search will appear to find the relevant patient. Similarly, the facility name will have a (Click to match Nursing Home…) prompt that will pull up the Nursing Home file search to link the message with the right facility, or create a new one if needed.

Admit Messages

Census - Admit messages are sent by the facility when they would like to notify the pharmacy of a new patient admission to the facility. With this message, the pharmacy can ensure the patient is in their system with the right nursing home listed in their profile.

Resupply Messages

A Resupply message acts as a refill request from the facility. Resupply messages behave very much like standard electronic prescriptions, and will work the same way unless the prescription has no refills left or is expired. Clicking on the Take Action button prompt two options: Fill Rx and Acknowledge Message.

Clicking on Fill Rx will have the system attempt to match the message to an existing prescription based on prescription and patient information. If a match is found, the user will be able to process the refill for the matched Rx number, and dispense the Rx. Once dispensed, the BestRx software will send an RxFill response to the facility with the appropriate reason code.

If a match isn’t found in the system, the pharmacy will be unable to refill the prescription and will be asked to mark the status of the Rx in order to acknowledge the message.

If the pharmacy clicks Acknowledge Message, a similar screen appears without the notification about the lack of a match. This lets the pharmacy respond to the facility if they cannot refill the Rx, even if there is a match.