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BestRx Video Password: bestrx310


Table of Contents

The feature is available for Standard and Premium Tier customers only and cannot be added to the Basic Tier.


Your Local Pharmacy is a convenient online web portal and mobile app that allows a pharmacy’s patients to manage their prescriptions and request refills online. Patients can also send questions to their pharmacy through the web portal or app, if the pharmacy is utilizing the BestRx Messaging Interface.

Pharmacies can send a patient's an electronic invitation to register with Your Local Pharmacy right from the patient profile screen. The patient will receive an email with a registration link to the pharmacy’s Your Local Pharmacy enrollment page.

Patients can download the Your Local Pharmacy app from Apple's IOS Store , Google’s Play storesStore, or access browserWeb Portal.


When setting up Your Local Pharmacy (YLP) app with the 2-way text messaging feature, inform patients that it changes how they receive messages.

BestRx prioritizes displaying messages in the YLP app, using SMS only if the app is unavailable. YLP is more secure, but patients who prefer SMS must uninstall the YLP app from their device to prioritize text messages.

Patient Registration

Open the Patient File using the Patient (F3), and search the patient you’d like to invite to register.

On the patient’s file page, enter and save their email in the Email field. Then, reopen the Patient File and click the "Send Patient Portal Invite" button, which will appear only after saving the email.

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Another option is to copy the Patient Portal URL in Help ➡️ About in BestRx under "Your Local Pharmacy Registration" and send it manually to the patient, or alternatively, create personalized flyers with a unique QR code that patients can scan with their mobile devices to easily register for the portal.

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The patient will receive an email containing the instructions pictured on the bottom. Once they follow those instructions, they can access the pharmacy’s patient portal.

Patient File - YLP Patient Portal Status Indicator

When a Patient Portal invite is sent from the patient file, a status indicator will be displayed at the bottom of the Patient File.

Link Shared” indicates that the patient was sent the invite via email.

In Progress” indicates that the patient received the invitation and has started the registration process.

Success” indicates that the patient has completed registration process and successfully enrolled.

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Alternate Registration - Account Lookup

Patients can tap "Register" in the local pharmacy app, search for the pharmacy by City or Zip and Pharmacy Name then select it.

They can then access their account using a combination of their Date of Birth and Prescription number, or their First and Last name.

After clicking Find My Account, they will be asked to choose their profile.

User Interface - Mobile Application

When logging into your local pharmacy app, you'll see either the Rx Dashboard or a list of users if multiple family members are enrolled. Select a user to view their Rx Dashboard.


Rx Dashboard

The Rx Dashboard features shortcut buttons for "Rx IN PROGRESS" and "REFILL DUE SOON," allowing patients to check their Rx status. At the bottom, there is pharmacy contact information with options for phone calls, emails, and a link to the pharmacy website.


Rx Dashboard - Shortcuts

Tapping the shortcut button on the top left of the Rx dashboard IMG_4733.jpg reveals options for patients to explore, including Rx in progress, Rx history, refill requests, messages with the pharmacy, profile details, and pharmacy info. Only the main account holder can change the password. All users have the option to logout and login from the application.


Rx In Progress

"Rx In Progress" shows details about prescriptions that are being processed, ready for pickup, or ready for delivery. Patients can view the Rx number, quantity, days' supply, payment method (insurance or cash), amount due, and prescriber name.


Rx History

"Rx History" shows the patient’s past prescriptions, including whether they were picked up or delivered, along with detailed Rx information. It also provides the option to request a refill, which can also be done under "Refill Rx."


Refill Rx

"Refill Rx" shows prescriptions available for refill. Select the Rx checkbox, tap "Request Refills," and choose either "Pickup" or "Deliver." You can also leave notes for the pharmacy. Finally, tap "Send Refill Request" to submit.

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The "Messages" feature allows patients to communicate with the pharmacy, provided the pharmacy uses the BestRx Messaging Interface. Patients should follow HIPAA guidelines and avoid sharing protected information. They also have the option to take and send photo attachments to the pharmacy.

Messages - Patient View


Messages - Pharmacy View

The pharmacy must use the BestRx Messaging Interface to receive patient messages. To access messages, click the 2-way Messages dashboard shortcut or go to the patient profile and select the 2-way Messages button Screenshot 2024-10-09 140837.png.

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My Profile

On the Patient Profile, patients can update their address by clicking the pencil icon next to their name, and their phone number by clicking the icon next to the phone number. Changing the phone number sends a passcode to their current phone for verification.

My Profile - My Enrollments

Under 'Enrollments,' patients can choose to receive email, SMS, or call notifications for prescription alerts and can also enroll in auto-refill.


My Profile - Insurance

When a patient’s insurance is added and saved to their Patient Profile, it will appear in the local pharmacy app.


My Profile - Manage Family

In the Patient Profile of the local pharmacy app, the "Manage Family" feature allows the primary account holder to delete the main account, change the password, and remove added family members. Family members can only delete their own accounts by pressing the red x next to their name Screenshot 2024-10-09 151938.png . Both the primary account holder and family members can add new members to the account Screenshot 2024-10-09 151922.png .


Manage Family - Adding New Family Members

In "Manage Family," you can click the family member icon Screenshot 2024-10-09 151922.png to add a member by entering their Date of Birth and Prescription Number. These must match the information in the pharmacy's BestRx system under the patient profile.


My Profile - Manage Account - Delete Primary Account

Only the Primary account holder who set up the local pharmacy app can have access to Manage Account and “Delete Account”. Family members can remove themselves and other members but cannot delete the primary account holder.

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Pharmacy Info

Similar to the Rx Dashboard, you will see contact options for the pharmacy, including phone, email, and website. It will also indicate whether the pharmacy offers prescription pickup or delivery.


Switch Between Patients

Patients can also choose to switch between family members, if they are accessing accounts for multiple people by tapping the user icon and selecting “Switch Patient”.


To view a patient's Rx information, select their profile. You must be in the patient's account to access this information.


User Interface - Web Browser Application

The web browser version of My Local Pharmacy is similar to the app. While it's easier to use the app, the web browser is still an option. The main difference is that the Rx Dashboard displays all information on the homepage, without needing to tap shortcuts as in the app. You can also switch between light and dark mode. The bottom information may be repetitive, but you can read the guide in the web browser if preferred.

Rx Dashboard

The Rx Dashboard in the web browser version features quick-access view for "Rx IN PROGRESS" and "REFILL DUE SOON," enabling patients to easily check their prescription status and quick navigation.

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Rx In Progress

"Rx In Progress" shows details about prescriptions that are being processed, ready for pickup, or ready for delivery. Patients can view the Rx number, quantity, days' supply, payment method (insurance or cash), amount due, and prescriber name.

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Rx History

"Rx History" shows the patient’s past prescriptions, including whether they were picked up or delivered, along with detailed Rx information. It also provides the option to request a refill, which can also be done under "Refill Rx."

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Refill Rx

"Refill Rx" shows prescriptions available for refill. Select the Rx checkbox, tap "Request Refills," and choose either "Pickup" or "Deliver." You can also leave notes for the pharmacy. Finally, click "Send Refill Request" to submit.

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The "Messages" feature allows patients to communicate with the pharmacy, provided the pharmacy uses the BestRx Messaging Interface. Patients should follow HIPAA guidelines and avoid sharing protected information.

Messages - Patient View

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Messages - Pharmacy View

The pharmacy must use the BestRx Messaging Interface to receive patient messages. To access messages, click the 2-way Messages dashboard shortcut or go to the patient profile and select the 2-way Messages button Screenshot 2024-10-09 140837.png in BestRx.

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My Profile

On the Patient Profile, patients can update their address by clicking “Update Profile. Changing the phone number sends a passcode to their current phone for verification.

My Profile - My Enrollments

Under 'Enrollments,' patients can choose to receive email, SMS, or call notifications for prescription alerts and can also enroll in auto-refill.

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My Profile - Insurance and Manage Family

When a patient’s insurance is added and saved to their Patient Profile, it will appear in the local pharmacy web portal. In the Patient Profile of the local pharmacy web portal, the "Manage Family" feature allows the primary account holder to delete the main account, change the password, and remove added family members. Family members can only delete their own accounts by clicking the trash icon under their names . Both the primary account holder and family members can add new members to the account by clicking “Add Family Member.”

In "Manage Family," you can click “Add Family Member” to add a member by entering their Date of Birth and Prescription Number. These must match the information in the pharmacy's BestRx system under the patient profile.

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My Profile - Manage Account - Delete Primary Account

Only the Primary account holder who set up their local pharmacy can have access to Manage Account and “Delete Account”. Family members can remove themselves and other members but cannot delete the primary account holder.

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Pharmacy Info

Similar to the Rx Dashboard, you will see contact options for the pharmacy, including phone, email, and website. It will also indicate whether the pharmacy offers prescription pickup or delivery.

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Light/Dark Theme

In the local pharmacy web portal, click the gear icon in the top right to switch between light and dark themes.

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Switching Patients

Patients can also choose to switch between family members, if they are accessing accounts for multiple people by clicking the user icon and selecting “Switch Patient”.

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To view a patient's Rx information, select their profile. You must be in the patient's account to access this information.

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Registering a patient for two pharmacies

To register a patient for Your Local Pharmacy (YLP) with First Pharmacy, complete the enrollment and ensure their YLP account is created. Then, send the registration link from the second pharmacy to the same email address. When the patient clicks the link, YLP will recognize the account and show a message that the patient is already registered. The patient can log in with their existing credentials and, once logged in, will see both pharmacy options on the landing page. They can then select the pharmacy they wish to access.

Custom Pharmacy Registration Flyer

Standard and Premium tier customers can create a flyer in BestRx to promote the Your Local Pharmacy app, with customizable options and store details automatically added. The flyer can be printed or downloaded as a PDF. For more information click here Custom Registration Flyer.