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Table of Contents

To access/configure the Updox Integration options, click on Misc -> Interface Setups -> Updox Setup.

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Updox Setup

This screen enables the Updox addon; Updox is a service that allows BestRx to send and receive electronic faxes over the internet without the need for a traditional analogue modem.

  • Account ID: Enter in the account username/ID

  • Fax Number: Enter the Updox assigned/requested fax number

  • Outbound Fax: Indicate if you're using and would like to send outbound faxes

  • Inbound Fax: Indicate if you're using and would like to receive inbound faxes

  • Ping: This button pings the service to ensure it is working

  • Sync Users, Patients, Prescribers: This button will synchronize your user, patients, and prescriber information with Updox.